Stairwell slats

IMG_7810_2It’s all tying together. This week Billy finished the wood slats measurements, drilled holes to dowel in the slats and cut angled rectangles into the staircase to safely house the slats. It took two days to organzie, but it looks amazing and is super safe. It ties in the midcentury modern feel but is also fresh and modern. Have I mentioned Amber can design like a genius and Billy can do anything? I’m glad glad they are on our team.

The stairwell slats are below and are looking mighty fine. They mirror the slats in the living room and complement the floor. They also form a little boundary between the stairs and the dining room but  are open enough that the eye can travel trough and flow from room to room. I quite like it. Now to pick a paint colour for the walls… 


Ceiling warmth

One of the features in our condo re-design that I have been most wanting to see is the wooden art around the fireplace and ceiling.

The warm wood that matches our floors will come up the fireplace wall and across the ceiling. The hope is to make this room very warm and cozy while still retaining the height and openness. We also wanted a way to link the two foci of the room (the fireplace and the TV/credenza).

I think these long wooden slats really meet all of my requirements and exceeds my expectations. I can’t even tell you how tedious they were to install Continue reading