Electrical System Pass

Inspection #1 passed with flying colours!

The electricians have finished all of our new additions and modifications. We have outlets in appropriate spaces, we have a new power source for our duel fuel range, we have new light fixture boxes for chandeliers and window lights, and many other electrical things I won’t even pretend to understand.

New kitchen outlets for our microwave and coffee machine

New kitchen outlets for our microwave and coffee machine

What I do know, is that we will have the ability to dim all our lights and listen to music in any room. Small things that make me happy 🙂

The city has come by and given us the all clear. Yeah – one hurdle down! Now to fix all the drywall and coverup the electrician’s genius. It seems so mean to cover it up and not let everyone see how much work and design goes into the wiring. Good thing I have before and (soon to be) after pictures of the walls.